Nicole Pottroff
Equity Partner
Rhonda Burgess, Assistant
Bar Admissions
U.S. Court of Federal Claims
J.D., Washburn University School of Law
B.A., The University of Kansas
Professional Associations & Memberships
Kansas Bar Association
Missouri Bar Association​

Nicole is an Equity Partner at Koprince McCall Pottroff LLC. Nicole is also co-author of the recently published “The 8(a) Program: A Guide to the SBA's 8(a) Business Development Program - In Plain English."
Nicole’s practice focuses exclusively on federal government contract law. She helps clients understand and comply with the complex regulatory provisions unique to federal contracting, including the FAR, DFARS, and SBA small business, 8(a) Program, WOSB/EDWOSB, SDVOSB/VOSB, and HUBZone regulations, among others..Nicole also assists clients by drafting, reviewing, and negotiating joint venture agreements, mentor-protégé agreements, teaming agreements, subcontracts, social disadvantage narratives, and other critical documents.
Nicole also leverages her intensive training in legal research and writing to assist clients in transactional needs, including a wide range of complex legal agreements. She is a meticulous drafter and reviewer, well-known for her perceptive eye and ability to identify and draft-to-avoid contractual issues that could potentially arise down the road.
Nicole also utilizes her finely-tuned persuasive writing skills and polished understanding of SBA’s socioeconomic program requirements to assist clients with program admissions, certifications, and denial appeals. Nicole has a specialized knowledge and deep understanding of SBA’s 8(a) Program, as well as a passion for helping disadvantaged individuals utilize it. This inspired her to draft the 8(a) Handbook and her many 8(a) SmallGovCon blog posts; and it is what drives her in crafting her quality social disadvantage narratives that truly capture her clients’ stories. Nicole has a proven, successful track record of assisting clients with these socially disadvantaged narratives, even with the strict standard of review SBA applies to such narratives.
On the litigation side, Nicole has also played a key role in numerous GAO bid protests, Court of Federal Claims protests, SBA size and status protests, appeals before the SBA’s Office of Hearings and Appeals, matters before the Boards of Contract Appeals, and even a protest appeal at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Nicole graduated from the University of Kansas and the Washburn University School of Law. A lover of animals and all-things outdoors, Nicole lives in Lawrence, Kansas, with her husband and two sons. Nicole covers government contracting legal topics regularly on SmallGovCon.com. You can contact Nicole by phone at (785) 200-8919 or by email at npottroff@koprince.com.
Nicole can be reached by telephone at (785) 200-8919 or by email at npottroff@koprince.com.
Speaking​ Engagements
“MyGovWatch Podcast“, Co-Panelist, 2024.
“The Essentials for Small Business Government Contracting”, Co-Presenter, Allen Federal Business Partners, LLC, 2024.
“Small Business Certifications”, Co-Presenter, Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship, 2024.
“2023 Government Contracts Year-End Review”, Co-Presenter, Govology Webinar 2023.
“Kansas APEX Accelerators-Encountering Innovation Conference”, Presenter, 2023
“Oklahoma PTAC – Oklahoma Bid Assistance Network ICBS Show”, Oklahoma City, Presenter 2023.
“MyGovWatch Live: The B2G Roundtable with Nick Bernardo, Panelist, 2023.
“Using Mentor-Protege Program and Joint Ventures as a Strategy to Grow Your Small Business”, Presenter, Corporate Partner Advisory Group (CPAG) Webinar, 2023.
“Impact of the 8(a) Program Changes”, Panelist, WeConnect International Podcast, 2023.
“Best Practices for Submitting a Social Disadvantage Narrative for the 8(a) Program”, Panelist, GovCon Coffee & Issues- Govology Podcast 2023.
“Ethics in Federal Government Contracting”, Presenter, Govology Webinar 2023.
“Reverse Industry Day – Protests”, Co-Presenter, Professional Services Council Webinar, 2023.
“Fundamentals of Contracting for Small & Medium Businesses”, Panelist, Allen Federal Business Partners webinar, 2023.
“Still A Game Changer: The SBA Mentor-Protege Program (2023 Update)”, Co-Presenter, Govology 2023.
“Limitations on Subcontracting and the Nonmanufacturers Rule”, Co-Presenter, Texas El Paso APEX Accelerators, 2023.
“Issues With Being “The Middle Man””, Panelist, GovCon Coffee & Issues Podcast- Govology 2023.
“MyGovWatch.com”, Panelist, Podcast 2023.
“Understanding and Obtaining HUBZone Certification (2023 Update), Co-Presenter, Govology 2023
“The Essentials for Small Business Government Contracting”, Co-Presenter, Allen Federal Business Partners 2023 Webinar
"Communicating with Government Contracting Officials_ What Can (and Should) Contractors Really Say and Do (2022 Update)", Co-Presenter, 2022 Govology Webinar
"Buy American Act", Co-Presenter, 2022 Nebraska PTAC -University of Nebraska at Omaha Webinar
"Webinar: Fundamentals of Contracting for Small & Medium Businesses", Presenter, 2022 Allen Federal Business Partners, LLC Webinar
"Communicating with the Contracting Officer", Presenter, 2022 Pennsylvania PTAC: Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission PTAC Webinar
"Joint Venture Agreements", Presenter, 2022 Tennessee PTAC -UT at Oak Ridge Webinar
"The B2G Roundtable-Answers to Questions about RFPs & More", 2022 Interview with MyGovWatch.com
"Non-manufacturing Rule", Co-Presenter, 2022 U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Webinar
"Compliant and Effective Teaming Agreements, Joint Ventures & Subcontracts (Three-Part Series)", Co-Presenter, 2022 Govology Webinar
"Government Contracting Updates", Co-Presenter, 2022 Nebraska PTAC -University of Nebraska at Omaha Webinar
"Top 10 Legal Misconceptions in Federal Contracting & Pending Legal Changes", Co-Presenter, 2022 Ohio PTAC Webinar
"FAR Supplement - AFFARS - Air Force", Presenter, 2022 Jennifer Schaus & Associates Webinar
"FAR Supplement - AFARS - Army", Co-Presenter, 2022 Jennifer Schaus & Associates Webinar
"The B2G Roundtable-Answers to Questions About RFP's and More", Panelist, MyGovWatch Live Webinar Series
“Government Contracting Updates”, Presenter, Webinar from University of Nebraska Omaha PTAC 2022
"Top 10 Legal Misconceptions in Federal Contracting and Pending Legal Changes", Co-Presenter, 2022 Ohio PTAC
" FAR Supplement - AFFARS- Air Force", Co-Presenter, 2022 Jennifer Schaus Webinar
"FAR Department Supplement - AFARS - Army", Panelist, 2022 Jennifer Schaus Webinar
“Top 21 Legal Mistakes and Changes in Federal Government Contracting”, Co-Presenter, 2021 Kansas PTAC
“Past Performance in Government Contracting” Co-Presenter, 2021 Govology Webinar
“Non-Manufacturer Rule in Federal Government Contracting ” Co-Presenter, 2021 Iowa PTAC
“Top 21 Legal Mistakes in Federal Government Contracting”, Co-Presenter, 2021 Govology Webinar
“WOSB/EDWOSB Contracting Program”. Co-Presenter, 2021 SBA Webinar
“The Ins and Outs of Federal Disadvantaged Businesses”, Co-Presenter, 2021 Govology Webinar
“Limitations on Subcontracting: A Step-by-Step Compliance Guide”, Co-Presenter, 2021 Govology Webinar
“Joint Ventures”, Co-Presenter, 2021 Nebraska PTAC Webinar
“Compliant and Effective Teaming Agreements, Joint Ventures & Subcontracts (Three-Part Series).” Co-Presenter. 2021 Govology Webinar.
“Still a Game Changer: The SBA’s All Small Mentor-Protege Program (2021 Update).” Co-Presenter. 2021 Govology Webinar.
“8(a) Joint Ventures.” Co-Presenter. 2021 SBA Training Webinar, El Paso District Office.
“Obtaining and Maintaining Federal WOSB/EDWOSB Certification.”  Co-Presenter. 2020 Govology Webinar.
"Buy American Act, Berry Amendment, and Trade Agreements Act." Co-Presenter. 2020 Govology Webinar.
“10 Myths of Selling To The Government.” Guest Presenter, 2020 The GovCast Podcast
"Affiliations." Co-Presenter, 2020 Iowa State University Center for Industrial Research and Service PTAC Webinar
Recent Publications​
“Back to Basics: Similarly Situated Entities”, SmallGovCon 2024.
“OHA Sustains Status Protest: Self-Proclaimed SDVOSB Awardee Not Certified by VetCert, Not Eligible For SBA’s Grace Period, and Not Veteran Owned or Controlled”, SmallGovCon 2024.
“Why File: A VOSB or SDVOSB Status Protest”, SmallGovCon 2024.
“Why File: A Size Protest”, SmallGovCon 2024.
“SBA’s 2023 Update: Demonstrating 8(a) Social Disadvantage”, SmallGovCon 2023.
“SBA and Industry Leaders Reaffirm Support for 8(a) Program in Light of Recent Judicial Attacks”, SmallGovCon 2023.
“8(a) Social Disadvantage Narratives: What SBA is Looking For-Now, From ALL Individually- Owned 8(a) Applicants and Participants”, SmallGovCon 2023.
“SBA program upended in wake of Supreme Court affirmative action ruling”, The Washington Post 2023.
“SBA Revisions to the “Two-Year Rule” for Joint Ventures: a Reminder to Read the Entire Rule”, SmallGovCon 2023.
“GAO Sustains Protest to GSA Strategic National Stockpile Acquisition Based on Agency’s Failure to Conduct Meaningful Discussions”, SmallGovCon 2023.
"Size Standards Applicable to SBA’s Socioeconomic Programs", SmallGovCon 2023.
"Technically Unacceptable Offeror Cannot Protest Awardee's Size, Says OHA", SmallGovCon 2023.
"Prevent Costly Procurement Disasters: 6 Science-Backed Techniques For Bias-Free Decision Making", Forbes.com 2023.
“Back to Basics: Teaming Agreements”, SmallGovCon 2023.
“SBA Final Rule Updates Employee-Based Size Standards, but not for Nonmanufacturer Rule”, SmallGovCon 2023.
“Congressional Research Service Report Discusses Emergency-Related Acquisition Flexibilities, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, SmallGovCon 2023.
“Final FAR Amendment Encourages Procuring Agencies to Engage with Industry”, SmallGovCon 2022.
“Agencies Do Not Have Unlimited Discretion to Cancel Solicitations, Says the COFC”, SmallGovCon 2022
"Who You Gonna Call? Your Contracting Officer", SmallGovCon 2022.
"Who You Gonna Call? Your Contracting Officer (Part 2)", SmallGovCon 2022.
"Who You Gonna Call? Your Contracting Officer (Part 3)", SmallGovCon 2022.
"Back to Basics: Affiliation, An Overview", SmallGovCon 2022.
"House Passes HUBZone Price Evaluation Preference Clarification Act of 2021", SmallGovCon 2022.
"OHA Remands Size Determination Because Area Office Failed to Provide Due Process to Protested Concern", SmallGovCon 2022.
"Back to Basics: WOSB Eligibility", SmallGovCon 2022.
"GAO Sustains Protest to Solicitation’s Implementation of Randolph-Sheppard Act", SmallGovCon 2022.
"Back to Basics: 8(a) Program Eligibility", SmallGovCon 2022.
"SBA's Approach to Monitoring 8(a) Firms is Focused on Eligibility Rather than Business Development, Says SBA's OIG", SmallGovCon 2022.
"SBA Proposes to Eliminate Some NonManufacturer Rule Class Waivers", SmallGovCon 2022.
"Can't Pad Key Personnel Résumé, Says GAO." SmallGovCon, 2022.
"FAR Council Seeks to Address Climate Change in Federal Contracting." SmallGovCon, 2022.
"Picking YourTeam: Joint Ventures Versus Prime/Subcontractor Teams (Part Three, Relationships)." SmallGovCon, 2022.
"Final 2022 NDAA Draft Allows HUBZone Appeals." SmallGovCon, 2022.
"Picking Your Teams: Joint Ventures Versus Prime/Subcontractor Teams (Part One, Workshare)." SmallGovCon, 2021.
"House-Passed 2022 NDAA Raises Small Business Goal to 25% and Increases SDVOSB, HUBZone, SDB and WOSB Goals." SmallGovCon, 2021.
"SBA Suspends Bona Fide Place of Business Requirement for 8(a) Construction Contracts." SmallGovCon, 2021.
"5 Things You Should Know: SBA’s Recent 8(a) Program Updates." SmallGovCon, 2021.
"SBA Suggests Three Pages or Fewer for Social Disadvantage Narratives–But Really?" SmallGovCon, 2021.
Second Edition – The 8(a) Program: Koprince Law LLC GovCon Handbook Volume 4. Co-Author, Amazon, 2021.
“Update: DUNS Not ‘Done’ Until Spring 2022.” SmallGovCon, 2021.
“FAA Updates Its Rules to Embrace HUBZone Program.” SmallGovCon, 2021.
“Agency’s Decision to Cancel FAR Part 8 Solicitations and Move the Work to Existing Multiple Award Contract Was Flawed, Says COFC.” SmallGovCon, 2021.
“COFC Says Agency Must Consider Rule of Two Before Using Multiple-Award IDIQ Contract Vehicle.” SmallGovCon, 2021.
“Congress Says Small Business Without Past Performance Can Submit Joint Venture Experience Instead.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“OHA: CVE Appeals Go Directly to Us, Not CVE.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“GAO Clarifies Increase-the-Scope Exception For Task Order Jurisdiction.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“SBA Inspector General Says SBA’s Corrective Actions Have Effectively Resolved 8(a) Eligibility Concerns.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“Playing Games? GAO Requires NASA to Scratch $650 Million Contract Due to Foosball Snafu.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“SBA Clarifies that SBIR and STTR Programs Will Allow Successor-In-Interest Transfers of Awards.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“VA CVE Verification Appeals Must be Filed at SBA, Not VA.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“Inspector General: SBA’s Certify.SBA.gov Platform “Has Not Accomplished Its Objectives.”  SmallGovCon, 2020.
“Ring Ring! GAO Sustains Protest of Awardee’s Conflict of Interest.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“Whose Jurisdiction is it Anyways? GAO Dismisses Size Challenge.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“GAO Awards Costs After Agency Unduly Delays Corrective Action.”  SmallGovCon, 2020.
“The FAR’s Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Clause is Finally Getting the Boot.”  SmallGovCon, 2020.
“PPP Loans: To Take or Not To Take?”  SmallGovCon, 2020.
“An Agency’s Broken Promise is Not GAO’s Problem.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“OHA Remands Area Office’s Conflicting Decision in Concurrent Size and Status Protests.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“DoD Warns Contractors to be Wary of Adversarial Investments during Pandemic.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“Sole-Source Options for Agencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
“8(a) Social Disadvantage Narratives: What SBA is Looking For.” SmallGovCon, 2020.
"It's Not Up to Agency to Clarify Layout and Printing Errors in Proposals, Says GAO." SmallGovCon, 2020.
"SBA Area Office Double Counted Revenue in Denial of 8(a) Application, Says OHA." SmallGovCon, 2020.
"Federal Supply Schedule Acquisitions Require Price Comparisons to Determine Lowest Overall Cost. Says GAO." SmallGovCon, 2020.
"GAO Sustains Challenge Based on Misrepresentation of Incumbent Staff Availability." SmallGovCon, 2020.
"New Avenue for SBA Protests: Ostensible Subcontractor Status Protests." SmallGovCon, 2019.
"SBA Proposes to Remove the "Three" from the "Three-in-Two" Rule for Joint Ventures." SmallGovCon, 2019.
Recent YouTube Videos
“GAO Task Order Jurisdiction.”  YouTube 2020.
“8(a) Eligibility, Appealing Denials.” YouTube 2020.
"The CICA Stay of Performance." YouTube, 2020.
"Writing Your 8(a) Application's Social Disadvantage Narrative: What the SBA is Looking For." YouTube, 2019.
"Data Rights Protection: Avoiding the Unlimited Government Rights Default." YouTube, 2019.
Representative Matters
Drafted numerous social disadvantage narratives for 8(a) Program applications.
Drafted successful OHA Appeal of 8(a) Program denial.
Drafted supplemental protest for originally-pro se protester resulting in corrective action in $40 million procurement.
Prepared SBA OHA Size Protest raising affiliation issues such as ostensible subcontractor affiliation. 
Drafted Intervenor Responses to SBA OHA Size Protests defending issues such as ownership and control.  
Served as primary drafter of a successful pre-award protest challenging the small business set-aside designation’s conformity with the Rule of Two. 
Participated on briefing team for GAO bid protest in a $100 million procurement challenging various issues with the agency’s evaluation. 
Served as primary drafter of numerous GAO bid protests to the terms of solicitations and contract awards. 
Prepared Intervenor Comments for GAO bid protest challenging agency awards.  
Drafted joint venture agreements for SDVOSB, VOSB, EDWOSB, WOSB, 8(a) Program, and small business set-aside procurements. 
Prepared operating agreements for small businesses and small business joint ventures focused on incorporating specific client needs while maintaining SBA regulation-compliance.